This is a 15 foot, professional low noise instrument cable.
Output Jack for iGuitar and other guitars equipped with 13 pin synth access
500K push pull pot for coil tapping and custom switching options. Audio taper.
Original 500K pot for used on all Brian Moore and iGuitar models. Audio taper.
3 Way for Switch iGuitar, i1000 & i2000 Series guitars
This is our first collection of music featuring the guitars and endorsing artists, including: John Abercrombie, Russ Freeman, Al Pitrelli, Jimmy Vivino & Patrick Cummings (President of iGuitar, Inc/Brian Moore Guitars) and the JIM PIN Band.
The iGuitar Bass Gig Bag fits most types of electric basses. It has excellent padding, front pouch for cable and accessories, carry handle and shoulder strap. The quality is outstanding.
Trem Arm for iGuitar, both i1000 and i2000 Series. Chrome.
Trem Arm for iGuitar, both i1000 and i2000 Series. Gold.
The iGuitar Gig Bag fits most types of electric guitars. It has excellent padding, front pouch for cable and accessories, carry handle and shoulder strap. The quality is outstanding.
5 Way for Switch iGuitar, i1000 & i2000 Series guitars
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